Monday, January 27, 2014

Too Much Noise, I Don't Think

It's the new year and I haven't even posted one blog yet. I know I repeatedly say it isn't like anyone follows these or reads them, but I do have this obligation to post at least 19 entries every year. I have done that since I got the blog, so I want to continue doing that out of habit. 

I would love to have some heartfelt words or deep inspiration with you, but lately I have been trying to not think too much. I usually overthink and binge my emotions on unhealthy food for thought. (See what I did there?) I read somewhere that you should feel your feelings and not think about them. I don't really understand what that means or how that is fully accomplished. But I think it has some truth and substance. Your heart shouldn't get caught with your head. It throws off balances and causes problems. I know that. 

So, I have been teaching myself to be closed, to myself and to others. If I don't know how I feel, I won't have to share it with anyone. Of course, you're thinking it is impossible to not know how you feel. And so, yes. I do know it, but not as deeply like normal. I have disconnected myself from deep thoughts or whatever because I want to be stronger than I have been and letting emotions control me is not beneficial in anyway. I want to be prepared for anything. 

I want it to be said of me that I was strong, and never fragile. (Because of course someone had said so, and I am to prove them wrong.)